चपेट में (2020-2021)
Since my interest lies in 'bodies' as fragile subjects vulnerable to uncertainties. चपेट में (2020-2021) is an amalgamation of visuals, words, and sounds recorded during the span of a year after the outbreak of the pandemic. Along with the global pandemic, there has been perpetual unrest in our lives. It is a reflection on inhabiting this time, the eeriness it encompasses, while on the other hand, several human-made calamities were also enduring. A landslide in Idukki(Kerala,2020), or bursting of the dam in Chamoli (Uttrakhand,2021), or an airplane crash in Karachi(Pakistan,2020), are a few of several such prominent events. These instances are the markers of conflict between humans and the nature of constantly mutating environmental disorders. A fictional narrative emerged from the documentation throughout this time. This attempts to evoke the atmosphere post the aftermath, how some events disrupt the normalcy and mundaneness of life, hence a sense of delusion, loss, grief, generated by such unusual situations.
Invisible Shadows
Invisible Shadows
Invisible Shadows

The Reminiscences

(Multi-media Installation at Ambedkar University Delhi, 2019)

a series of mix-media collages.
please click on the gif.
© 2021 by Shruti Sarkar
Series of drawings projected on the walls of abandoned spaces in the vicinity

Un-Ravel (2021)

Duration: 1min 21 sec.
Collaborative Projects 2021
Collaborative Projects 2021
नाव now
please click on the gif.
please click on the gif.